Effective 12/24/2024 NPPES will be updating the maximum field lengths for First Name, Legal Business Name, and all related fields. NPPES will be updating the data dissemination files to now include two separate versions:
Version 1:This version will include all original field lengths.
Version 2 (V.2):This version will include all updated field lengths, with extended character limits for First Name and Legal Business Name fields.
- Other Name Reference File - this file contains additional Other Names associated with Type 2 NPIs.
- Practice Location Reference File - this file contains all the non-primary Practice Locations associated with Type 1 and Type 2 NPIs.
- Endpoint Reference File - this file contains all Endpoints associated with Type 1 and Type 2 NPIs.
Each zipped NPPES Downloadable file will include the following 3 reference files:
Detailed information about the NPI files is included in the Data Dissemination File - Readme file.
If you have any questions, contact CMS at NPIFiles@cms.hhs.gov.
Please Note: Issuance of an NPI does not ensure or validate that the Health Care Provider is Licensed or Credentialed. For more information, please refer to NPI: What You Need to Know.
Monthly NPPES Downloadable File Version 1
Monthly NPI Deactivation File Version 1
Weekly Incremental NPI Files Version 1
Monthly NPPES Downloadable File Version 2 (V.2)
Monthly NPI Deactivation File Version 2 (V.2)
Weekly Incremental NPI Files Version 2 (V.2)

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